Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Eco-Event - A Fresh Identity

For those of you who are paying attention to the dates on this journal, here's what I've been up to over the last couple of weeks.
A mate of mine got in touch with me a few weeks ago and asked me to do him a favour. It seemed quite poignent at the time as I am still in the middle of my Ident project. He has collaborated with another guy to create Eco-Event, an environmentally friendly festival and event organisation. They need an identity and he thought I was the man to provide it. Basically I've spent any spare time I have working on it and have come up with some positive ideas. Its a full package, much like the one I'm working on for Trent Media. I've been provided with domain space and alot of freedom. Watch this space to see further development.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Identities: Presentation Over

Hmm... went well enough. I got tongue tied and ended up going off on a tangent. I didn't even mention the point of sale for the Platform Mag or the TV player (similar to the music one). As Jools said, a functional or at least a semi functional example would have been good. Still making it, I'm not familiar with FlashMX so its taking more time than I expected. It'll be done and dusted way before hand in mind you, there are much more pressing issues to deal with. Namely the actual ID!

Hold tight for a real life working model!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Done well this week mukka. You should be proud. Keep chopping that audio, lets have it refined! Big ups.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Identities: Progress Report

Due to the nature of Trent Media, a few must have things will be included in the site design. An online forum for communication not only with the users but with the Fly FM broadcasters. Look at the nuskoolbreaks.co.uk forum to get more of an idea what I'm on about. They create a great family atmosphere and as a user you really feel like a part of the online team.
A seperate media player to tune into Fly FM will also be included. This will give a constant reference back to FlyFM no matter what you are viewing on the internet. You don't even have to keep the Trent Media site open to listen in. Above is a really simple, basic version of what it will look like. At the moment it is functionless but I am working on that to create a real flash player that streams either pre-recorded of LIVE broadcasts. Click it for a larger, more detailed image.
Other things I'm going to consider are a downloadable archive of the most popular shows and a weekly schedule. More on these later on.

Identities: Presentation

After a few weeks of preparation, its time to put my ideas across. I've done quite alot of research and fitting it all into the presentation was difficult alongside my design ideas and concepts. I think it gave clear insight into my project. I'm going to keep it very simple and try to remain true to the original ident making for an easier transition for Trent Media. You can view the PowerPoint file and get some idea of where I'm at but without my verbal interpretation its quite disjointed. More to come later.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Identities: The Big Wheel

I've just come out of a lecture given by a woman responsible for 'The Big Wheel' campaign. It was a real insight. I've been interested in the campaign since I first heard about it after moving to Nottingham in 2004 and feel its an issue that seriously needs attention. That said, the guys in charge of this one have really done themselves justice. They have become the fore-runners for this type of campaign not only in the UK but in the rest of Europe. They are cited in the government's own policies about how to deal with the transport/environmental issues of a city. Further more, I've actually met the guy that comes up with the designs for this and to now meet the brains behind it, it is definately something I could see myself trying to tackle within my own proffessional career.

Check these links for more insight:
The Big Wheel Campaign
Department For Transport