Saturday, May 26, 2007

Identities: Done And Dusted

With the project finished and the evaluation complete I'm off to mash up at UKTech. Its been a long, steep learning curve to get this one rounded off but I've thoroughly enjoyed it. The site was not uploaded a server so can only be viewed by downloading the file listed below. It seemed unnecessary to do so as the content is not complete. It would have taken a collaboration with Trent Media to finish that.

Download: Trent Media
File Size: 2.2 MB

Monday, May 07, 2007

Identities: Internet Explorer

This ones getting tougher. Having finalised all styling the site is ready. I'd been testing it using both Mozilla and Internet Explorer at the start and throughout the project but neglected to do so towards the finishing stages. Although everything looks great in Mozilla's Firefox all was definately not peachy on the I.E front. It totally glitched out on the menu which is the root to the site. I'd coded in most of the backup links using css so the it displays as a basic page but without the menu links. Bad times.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Identities: Web Design

This one's been a toughie. Definately the most mind boggling few weeks I've had so far. Not that I've not enjoyed it of course. This is what I'm here to do but its a steep curve. From scratch to this cannot be sniffed at. Take closer look at whatI'm talikng about...

Download MM_ident_finalised-web.doc

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Eco-Event: Preview

Here's what some of the Eco-Event paperwork will look like. The finished pieces may involve a few tweaks here and there. Back to Trent Media.