Thursday, March 29, 2007

Same But Different: Finito

Hmm... missed quite a vital mistake within the project that Gav flawlessly rectified. Kids got stamina! The importance of using a root/images folder wasn't stressed enough. Its sorted now though so check it out. Its pretty self explainatory.

View 'Same But Different' Exercise 2007 By James Elliott & Gav Cooper

Friday, March 23, 2007

Same But Different: Progress

It might be a week overdue but this project is really coming together. After 2 weeks of constant 'arguing' with Gav over the style and content we have come to an agreement. It may be a little more in depth than I originally intended but I feel the project has benefitted from it. We're about to upload it to our server space at so by the end of the weekend, we'll have our first working interactive site. Its been a steep learning curve on the old HTML over the last few months and I feel I have done myself justice with this one. Although the scripting maybe basic, I reckon it suits the style I work with, the google ranking might be pretty low but I'm not out there to get as many hits as possible. It is made purely for the benefit of my web knowledge and for the lecturers at NTU Multimedia. Hold tight for a link to the fully working edition.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Same But Different : Images

Same But Different

This seemed like an interesting project as long as we have the freedom to choose what we want. The mundane object I chose was the humble tin can. I made this decision because of my interest in the environment and recycling. I figured it would be a good way to incorporate my thoughts into a project.

So far we have just stuck to a particular part of Nottingham. We chose Radford, Hyson Green and some parts of Lenton to explore this project. I wanted to concentrate on this area to help it relate to any individuals viewing the project. Recycling is such a massive issue that I wanted to be able to bring the project closer to home and into contexts that people can relate to. By splitting the areas up into managable chunks, it seems easier to encourage people to do thier bit within a certain area rather than generalising the issue. If 10 people took responsibility for the area in which they live, we would live in a cleaner, less wastefull world.

So far the project explores three possible journeys that a tin can could take. We have named the groups in such a way that it makes the topic more personal and poignent. The Consumed, The Reformed and The Forgotten. More to come.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Identities: TrentTV Concept & Web Styling

I've been working on quite a lot of stuff over the last few weeks. I'm tiring and things are slowing down a bit on the Trent Media ident front. I needed some time to reflect on what I've done and see if I can spot any potential flaws. This means stepping away form the project and I've found the perfect way to do that. The 'Eco-Event' project has alllowed me to view my work from a different angle as the feedback comes in diffferent ways. This is being judged purely from a professional perspective which is better for the way I work and gives me an idea as to what is really required of the design. Sometimes you don't need to write a whole essay justifying your idea, sometimes it just speaks for itself. Hold tight for more.

Check this out if you want to know where Trent Media are going.
Download MM_design-justified.doc (Part One)

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Glade Festival 2007

2007's Glade festival is having a few problems with their license. Please take a few moments to fill out this petition so we get to have a festival this year.
Big ups.

Identities: Progress Report

My word. Things are running smoothly so far. I've managed to get a bit of feedback on my designs from some Trent students so I've tweaked them a little. On the whole people seem happy with the way that they (Trent Media) are being represented. The web page is designed, built and links well, all that is left to master now are the players. It is much more difficult than I thought.
On a personal note. You may have noticed that I list very little design work on my journal. This is not because I have not done any but because I am worried about plagurism. I spend too much time developing my ideas just to get them ripped off by the first lazy p***k that views my journal. Why should I put all the groundwork into someone elses project? The answer: I shouldn't. Brap!