Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Same But Different

This seemed like an interesting project as long as we have the freedom to choose what we want. The mundane object I chose was the humble tin can. I made this decision because of my interest in the environment and recycling. I figured it would be a good way to incorporate my thoughts into a project.

So far we have just stuck to a particular part of Nottingham. We chose Radford, Hyson Green and some parts of Lenton to explore this project. I wanted to concentrate on this area to help it relate to any individuals viewing the project. Recycling is such a massive issue that I wanted to be able to bring the project closer to home and into contexts that people can relate to. By splitting the areas up into managable chunks, it seems easier to encourage people to do thier bit within a certain area rather than generalising the issue. If 10 people took responsibility for the area in which they live, we would live in a cleaner, less wastefull world.

So far the project explores three possible journeys that a tin can could take. We have named the groups in such a way that it makes the topic more personal and poignent. The Consumed, The Reformed and The Forgotten. More to come.

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