Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Interactive: Revised

After the complete disaster that was the Narrative project, I thought I could redeem my confidence with this one. I was really interested in learning more about web scripting and I thought Simon handled those of us who were absolute beginners very well. I learnt alot in the seminars and thought I could apply it well to the project. I was excited to begin.
Simon suggested we use where we live as a inspiration. I read that in quite a broad way and decided to take it out of my immediate residence and turn it into a quick tour of Radford Boulevard and its surrounding areas. It occured to me that Radford has quite a reputation for street crime and violence. The policewoman that was shot recently was right off the back of our house. Harsh times. I wanted to create a safe 'virtual' environment for the users to tour the streets. I thought that if I imitated a computer on screen it would give a secondary air of safety to the user, distancing them from the subject matter. It sounded good on paper but producing it could have been difficult due to my lack of technical knowledge.

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