Sunday, January 21, 2007

LIVE Performance: The Setup

Alongside a verbal presentation we aim to provide a small amount of imagery that subtley relates back to Darwen. Ideally we wanted to find a location that was over looked by or in somehow related to a moon. This turned out to more difficult than we thought. We had to stray too far outside of our designated area to find one so we figured it would be simpler to create one of our own. We are heading down to the building next to our location to see if we can steal some of their power to possibly run a digital projector. Using this we will project an image of a moon onto the adjacent wall. We should be able to animate it so that throughout the performance, it slowly shifts from the left to the right. This is supposed to signify the huge lengths of time the members of Lunar Society spent together under the full moon. More to come later...

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