Monday, November 13, 2006

Rocking & Rolling

Well after a few minor setbacks, we're up and running again on our Narratives project. I'd scoped out a chaise inside Nottingham castle last time I was there. We went to investigate and maybe record some images, easy we thought. They had removed the chaise 4 weeks previous and couldn't tell us where, apparently. We diverted our attention elsewhere, namely Wollaton Hall. No worries we thought, its not that far away, we could back there if we needed to and permission wasn't an issue. 'Closed for Refurbishment' the website said. Well not all of it, but the majority. Not only did we have a limited viewing material but the longer we left it the faster the original furnishings and decor were disappearing. Bad times. We've looked further afield and found some potential pieces in Derby but time is running short. Getting there is expensive and re-booking the equipment is gonna take two days. Not to get stressed though. We seem to be on top of everything else, the dialogue is done and resdy to record. I'm still searching for the right voice. The timeline works well in premier. Decent quality too, considering they're pretty small images. I had to make it that way, the one, whole image I used was becoming huge and my machine was struggling to cope. I looks good. To be continued...

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